About Us
Bringing Bubble Tea to New Zealand is our Passion!
Bubble Tea which is also known as Pearl Milk Tea, originated in Taiwan in the 1980s. It is a tea-based drink that is sweetened with fructose and creamer added which comes in a variety of flavours. The drink is commonly topped with chewy black tapioca pearls and served with ice, making it a completely satisfying beverage!

Our Story
In 2018, Kate and Sylvester ventured in a Food Truck business to cater unique foods to the multi-cultural community of Christchurch.
Kate is a big fan of bubble tea as it is a very popular cold drink from her home country. Determined to share the goodness of this unknown drink to most Kiwis, they put this in their distinct menu.
The absence of a supplier in New Zealand led to Kate and Sylvester taking on into importing raw materials from Taiwan and Malaysia.
Soon enough they started the first ever one-stop online bubble tea store in New Zealand under their company name SKX3 Limited. SKX3 was named after their 3 children, all bearing S & K as initials to their first and second names.
They as well pioneered the sale of bubble tea drinks from a food truck where they traded as CHAmp Nip ‘n Sip, occasionally in events or in a semi-permanent set-up in a site in Hornby, Christchurch (in proximity to a school and an industrial zone).
It was a great hit to the Christchurch community and nationwide through the Online Store. However, CHAmp Nip ‘n Sip ceased its operation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The online store continued where they gave their customers the option to make their own bubble tea at the comfort of their homes. SKX3 launched and pioneered bubble tea kits with the option to choose preferred flavours and number of servings.
Moving forward 6 years later, bubble tea drink is now widely known and accepted in New Zealand. SKX3 Limited is relaunching under their new trading name Cha-Boba Bubble Tea Supplies.
We are passionate about introducing new flavours and add-ons to create the ultimate luxurious experience for every cup of milk tea. Every flavour and ingredient is meticulously sourced from overseas markets to provide every New Zealander with the best milk tea treat they deserve!